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Something went wrong on our end.", description: "An unexpected error occurred on the server.", possibleFix: "Please try again later. If the issue persists, contact support." }, [ERROR.BACKEND.RATE_LIMIT]: { message: "⏱️ Slow down! You're moving too fast.", description: "You have exceeded the rate limit for requests.", possibleFix: "Please wait a bit before trying your request again." }, [ERROR.COMMON.API_KEY_UNAVAILABLE]: { message: "🔑 API Key Missing or Invalid.", description: "The API key provided is missing or incorrect.", possibleFix: "Ensure that your API key is passed to Client or set in your environment variables." }, UNKNOWN: { message: "❓ An unknown error occurred.", description: "The error is not recognized by our system.", possibleFix: "Contact our support team with the error details for further assistance." }, [ERROR.BACKEND.UNKNOWN]: { message: "❓ An unknown error occurred.", description: "The error is not recognized by our system.", possibleFix: "Contact our support team with the error details for further assistance." } } class ComposioError extends Error { constructor(public errCode: string, public message: string, public description?: string, public possibleFix?: string,originalError?:any) { super(message); = 'ComposioError'; this.errCode = errCode; this.description = description; this.possibleFix = possibleFix; let detailedMessage = `Error Code: ${errCode}\nMessage: ${message}\n`; let detailedDescription = description; if (description) detailedMessage += `Description: ${description}\n`; if (possibleFix) detailedMessage += `Suggested Fix: ${possibleFix}\n`; Object.defineProperty(this, 'errCode', { enumerable: false }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'message', { enumerable: false }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'description', { enumerable: false }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'possibleFix', { enumerable: false }); this.stack = `${}: ${detailedMessage}Stack Trace:\n${(new Error()).stack}`; } } // Composio Error Generator export class CEG { static handleError(axiosError: any,) { let errorDetails = PREDEFINED_ERROR_REGISTRY.UNKNOWN; let errorKey = ERROR.COMMON.UNKNOWN; if (axiosError.response) { const { status } = axiosError.response; switch (status) { case 400: errorKey = ERROR.BACKEND.BAD_REQUEST; break; case 404: errorKey = ERROR.BACKEND.NOT_FOUND; break; case 429: errorKey = ERROR.BACKEND.RATE_LIMIT; break; case 401: errorKey = ERROR.COMMON.API_KEY_UNAVAILABLE; break; case 500: errorKey = ERROR.BACKEND.SERVER_ERROR; break; default: errorKey = ERROR.BACKEND.UNKNOWN; break; } if (errorKey) { errorDetails = PREDEFINED_ERROR_REGISTRY[errorKey]; } } let axiosDataMessage = axiosError.response?.data?.message || axiosError.message; const status = axiosError.response?.status || axiosError.status || axiosError.code || 'unknown'; const request_id = axiosError.response?.headers?.["x-request-id"]; const urlAndStatus = axiosError.config?.url ? ` got 📊 ${status} response from URL🔗: ${axiosError.config.url}, request_id: ${request_id}` : ''; axiosDataMessage = `❌ ${ifObjectStringify(axiosDataMessage) || errorDetails.description || "No additional information available."} ${urlAndStatus}`; throw new ComposioError( errorKey as string, errorDetails.message, axiosDataMessage || errorDetails.description || "No additional information available.", errorDetails.possibleFix || "Please check the network connection and the request parameters.", axiosError ); } static throwCustomError(messageCode: string, { message, type, subtype, description, possibleFix }: { type?: string; subtype?: string; message?: string; description?: string; possibleFix?: string; }): never { const finalErrorCode = !!messageCode ? messageCode : `${type}::${subtype}`; const errorDetails = PREDEFINED_ERROR_REGISTRY[finalErrorCode] || PREDEFINED_ERROR_REGISTRY.UNKNOWN; throw new ComposioError(messageCode, message || errorDetails.message, description || errorDetails.description, possibleFix || errorDetails.possibleFix); } } export const ifObjectStringify = (obj: any) => { return typeof obj === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(obj) : obj; } |