All files / sdk actionRegistry.ts

80% Statements 36/45
26.31% Branches 10/38
83.33% Functions 5/6
81.81% Lines 36/44

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import { z, ZodType, ZodObject, ZodString, AnyZodObject, ZodOptional } from "zod";
import { zodToJsonSchema, JsonSchema7Type } from "zod-to-json-schema";
import { Composio } from ".";
export interface CreateActionOptions {
    actionName?: string;
    toolName?: string;
    description?: string;
    inputParams: ZodObject<{ [key: string]: ZodString | ZodOptional<ZodString> }>;
    callback: (inputParams: Record<string, any>, authCredentials: Record<string, any> | undefined) => Promise<Record<string, any>>;
interface ParamsSchema {
    definitions: {
        input: {
            properties: Record<string, JsonSchema7Type>;
            required?: string[];
interface ExecuteMetadata {
    entityId?: string;
    connectionId?: string;
export class ActionRegistry {
    client: Composio;
    customActions: Map<string, { metadata: CreateActionOptions, schema: any }>;
    constructor(client: Composio) {
        this.client = client;
        this.customActions = new Map();
    async createAction(options: CreateActionOptions): Promise<Record<string, any>> {
        const { callback } = options;
        if (typeof callback !== "function") {
            throw new Error("Callback must be a function");
        if (!options.actionName) {
            throw new Error("You must provide actionName for this action");
        Iif (!options.inputParams) {
            options.inputParams = z.object({});
        const params = options.inputParams;
        const actionName = options.actionName  || || '';
        const paramsSchema: ParamsSchema = await zodToJsonSchema(
                name: "input",
        ) as ParamsSchema;
        const _params =;
        const composioSchema = {
            name: actionName,
            description: options.description,
            parameters: {   
                title: actionName,
                type: "object",
                description: options.description,
                required: paramsSchema.definitions.input.required || [],
                properties: _params,
            response: {
                type: "object",
                title: "Response for " + actionName,
                properties: [],
        this.customActions.set(options.actionName?.toLocaleLowerCase() || '', {
            metadata: options,
            schema: composioSchema
        return composioSchema;
    async getActions({actions}: {actions: Array<string>}): Promise<Array<any>> {
        const actionsArr: Array<any> = [];
        for (const name of actions) {
            const lowerCaseName = name.toLowerCase();
            if (this.customActions.has(lowerCaseName)) {
                const action = this.customActions.get(lowerCaseName);
        return actionsArr;
    async getAllActions(): Promise<Array<any>> {
        return Array.from(this.customActions.values()).map((action: any) => action);
    async executeAction(name: string, inputParams: Record<string, any>, metadata: ExecuteMetadata): Promise<any> {
        const lowerCaseName = name.toLocaleLowerCase();
        if (!this.customActions.has(lowerCaseName)) {
            throw new Error(`Action with name ${name} does not exist`);
        const action = this.customActions.get(lowerCaseName);
        Iif (!action) {
            throw new Error(`Action with name ${name} could not be retrieved`);
        const { callback, toolName } = action.metadata;
        let authCredentials = {};
        Iif (toolName) {
            const entity = await this.client.getEntity(metadata.entityId);
            const connection = await entity.getConnection(toolName, metadata.connectionId);
            Iif(!connection) {
                throw new Error(`Connection with app name ${toolName} and entityId ${metadata.entityId} not found`);
            authCredentials = {
                headers: connection.connectionParams?.headers,
                queryParams: connection.connectionParams?.queryParams,
                baseUrl: connection.connectionParams?.baseUrl || connection.connectionParams?.base_url, 
        Iif (typeof callback !== "function") {
            throw new Error("Callback must be a function");
        return await callback(inputParams, authCredentials);